By 1992 the company had fully developed a light-weight composite harvesting pole and fixtures whichdoubled productivity over aluminum poles predictably and repeatedly in 14m palm. The field trials were published in The Planter - The Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Field Trials of an Improved Oil Palm Harvesting Tool [Vol. 68 No 79 Oct 1992] and a financial evaluation 'Investigating the True Cost of Conventional Harvesting Tools' [Vol. 69 No 811 Oct 1993]. This was further confirmed by POIRM (now Malaysia Palm Oil Board, MPOB) in 'The Effect of Physical Characteristics ofAluminum Poles on Harvesting Productivity of Tall Palms' [PORIM bulletin No.35 1998]. This productivity gain was again confirmed in trials by Golden Hope, Nalek Rubber Estate, Kulai, 6th February 1993.
In 1993 we entered our pole design in Forma Finlandia III, 'International Plastics Design Competition'. It was selected as 1 of 65 (out of 739 entrants from 36 countries) for tour through Sweden, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and UK.
Harvesting blade development started in 1986 but only by 2006 did newer industrial processes allow the manufacture of our superior design to an economic advantage. After 5 years of in-field testing this blade is the lightest in the industry, stays sharp 3 times longer than carbon steel, requires half the time to sharpen and is virtually indestructible.
If you'd like to start using our poles or blades for your plantation operations, please contact us or your nearest regional distributor: